Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the great search

i have been blessed to be at home with my children for their whole lives. i work in the evenings when husband is home. with the economy the way it is, i have met myself at a crossroads. i cannot imagine anyone else caring for the princess. i gave the time to the boys and a part of me feels guilty for even thinking of taking it from the princess. i have to consider what is best for our whole family. the economy is so tight and we can't quite make it the way it is now. with the drop in the economy, people are not eating out the way they used to. with less business at the restraunt, less money for me. i am doing the best with what i have but it is not enough.

now what do i do?

i pray that the Lord will guide me. i am searching for the right place for me and the princess. i have a dear friend that i know would help me with the princess's care. i trust her completely. it is not that i doubt her. i don't want anyone else raising my children. the blessing with this possibility is that i could be home in the evenings. that would give me more time with all of the children. as it is right now, on work days, i get about an hour with the boys before i have to leave for work.

i am walking with God who has always seen me through. i believe that He will give me what i need. the controlling part of me is having a difficult time leaving this in His Hands. i want it in mine. i know there is a place out there for me. i know that God will put in front of me. my prayer is that i will see it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

starting this blog thing again

so here i am again. i posted in august but left it at that. i am going to try harder at this blog thing. i have a couple of friends who blog and enjoy it. i think if i put my effort into it, it will be enjoyable to me too. i'm hoping it will help me get the thoughts outside of my head. if i clear my head, i can make more room for God to enter. so here goes!

i am wife to a wonderful man. i haven't figured out the whole code name for him yet. so for now we will call him husband. we have been married for eleven years. we have seen our share of challenges through the years. we always seem to come through life's curves standing together. husband has started running and in the last year lost 70+ lbs. i am so incredibly proud of him. God blessed us with three wonderful children and a dog.

athlete boy who is ten and in the fourth grade. he wants to be very athletic but his metabolism keeps that from happening. he is underweight in spite of our best efforts. he has recentley discovered that he likes running. he is built for it and good at it too. then there is the monkey, my seven year old son. he is a bundle of energy who is sometimes confused about life. we are currently working on helping him be the best monkey he can be. he was recently diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. that was the greatest thing that could happen for our family. it has really openned my eyes to why monkey does things in the manner that he does. we are working on getting him in occupational therapy to help with fine motor skills. as summer approaches, we may consider medicine but for now, we take it one day at a time.
then there is our princess. she is our sassy, three year old little girl. i am amazed every day at how she grows. she looks nothing like her brothers. she has beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. she has all the attitude of a three year old and smart too. she goes to preschool two days a week and loves it when it is a school day.
we also have our puppy. when i married husband, i never thought we would have a dog. husband has allergies. well, we found some breeds of dogs that are hair dogs instead of fur. puppy doesn't shed or have an undercoat. he does require more care because he doesn't loose his hair like other dogs. we have to cut his hair much like we cut our hair. he is a great dog and loves the kids.

that tells you about my family. now, a little about me. i am a stay at home mom who works out of the home in the evenings. for some that may seem like opposites. my family is always my first priority. when our children are not in my care, they are usually in husband's care. i am currently exploring the possibility of joining the ranks of working moms. we shall see. i am keeping myself open to where God needs me to be. i won't take a job to pay the bills if it doesn't make me happy. i am also the asst. cub master and den leader for monkey's cub scout pack. at first i took on these roles because there was a need. funny thing, i secretley kinda like it. it is more work than others realize but worth it. monkey loves scouts and so do i. i a cathechist(religion teacher) for the second grade. being a catholic family, that means i help to prepare children to receive Jesus in forgivness and body. this is one of those things that takes alot of work for little money but greater reward.

well, there you have it. i will post more later. i invite you to enjoy the journey with me. God has given me this one life. i will try to live it the only way i know how. there will be times when i forget that God is walking this journey with me. it is like the footprints in the sand. even when i don't know He is there, He is.