Friday, February 26, 2010

love language

well folks, i listen to klove on my van radio. klove is a christian station. i am so glad to have found it. listening to good christian music has really enhanced and enriched my life. for some reason finding good uplifting, christian music that is not always "gospely", if you know what i mean, has really helped me to get in touch with the spirit within me. it is if having found a variety of God based music has helped me find the permission to be as i am. i have found through this music, that i can be who i am even with the imperfections. i can live in my humanness knowing that i don't have to be prim and proper, so to speak. it has been so freeing to come to this realization. i can be a good catholic christian woman and live right here where i am and influence the spirit in others with the understanding that i am as God intended me to be, imperfect. wow! this is huge for me. how has this music done this for me? don't know but i don't need to ask. we never know for sure how God will speak to us but sure glad i was listening the day he lead me to klove.

klove has been featuring a book this week that has me intrigued. it is called The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. from what i understand the book focuses on these 5 ways that we feel loved. there are 5 languages of love and we all have a primary and sometimes a secondary love language. at there is a love language quiz that can help you determine what your love language is. i am heading to the site to take the quiz after i finish here. each day this week klove has focused on each of the 5 languages. they have shared stories of people who have studied the love languages and learned so much more about themselves and the people they love. i am looking forward to learning my love language. i'm hoping that i can explore the love languages of my children and my husband. i think that knowing how they feel loved will help me to love them better. i'm hoping that it will help insure that i know my kids are loved in a way that they understand. now if i can just get a copy of that book. we are so broke right now so i just cannot justify buying it and the library here does not have it. i just know that God will find a way for me to have that book. stay tuned and i'll share how it influences my relationship with the people around me and thus my relationship with My Lord and Father.

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